SinCLaiR's website

ouuuhghhhh this edgy fucking rambling got old, time to just write something bettah

hi im clairsin/myaku/akella, you may know me, you may not know me, well i don't even give a shit if you do but you decided to check this website out! good job, you're wasting atleast 5 seconds reading this, same as how im wasting my time writting all of this in one go because i am not going to bother writting all of this again. Thing is, i'm a furfag, quite a big one at times but also not much at certain times if you know the type of shit i draw, i do gore, furry and a bit of normal drawings from time to time, so follow me if you'd like.

Here's a random image because why not

current plans:

my twitter go check it out retard.

my playlist, you wanna know what i listen to? here is a list.